Title: NC-FET scaling and NC-FET compact model enhancement
Abstract: The negative capacitance field-effect transistor (NCFET) is a promising technology for near future logic devices. The Webinar will start with the presentation of the scalability of NC-FinFETs by showing TCAD simulation results. The second part of the Webinar will demonstrate the enhancement of NCFET BDMC Compact Model. The enhancement includes implementation of domain interaction term, g, and improved convergence of the model. In short, the webinar will cover:
- Scalability of NC-FinFETs
- Compact Modeling of Domain Interaction Term
- Improved Convergence of the Model
Date: March 19, 2020
Time: 11am – 12 noon Pacific time and 6pm – 7pm Pacific time
Download: Flyer Presentation Video